• Sri Wahyuningsih
Keywords: Garbage dump, Health problems, Public


The presence of a landfill in an area will certainly cause problems for residents, especially those who live less than 1 km away. Based on government regulation number 18 of 2012, the distance for settlements must be more than 1 km. If the landfill is not managed properly, it will certainly cause water quality pollution, air pollution, soil pollution from the heaps of garbage that are piled up. This study aims to determine the health impact of people living around the landfill and the risk factors that could increase public health problems. The method used is a literature review. Literature collection was carried out through the database http://garuda.ristekdikti.go.id and Google Scholar, published from 2015 to 2019. There were complaints of health problems in the community around the landfill, namely skin diseases, diarrhea, respiratory problems, chest pain, sore eyes, dry throat, hot throat, headache, coughing, intestinal worms, and shortness of breath. Some factors also cause public health problems around the landfill, which are environmental factors such as poor air quality influenced by water pollution, air pollution, and soil pollution. These factors can cause disease to arise due to accumulation and piling up of waste, which causes the proliferation of bacteria, disease vectors, and viruses. For the community, it should be able to implement health promotion programs that have been given in the context of continuing disease prevention to build habits of clean and healthy living to achieve an optimal health degree.
