Efektifitas Promosi Kesehatan Dengan Media Leaflet Dan Media Audiovisual Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Tentang Penyakit Tuberkolusis Di SDN Palembang

  • Dewi Hartati
Keywords: Effective, Health Promotion, Knowledge, Tuberculosis Disease


Tuberculosis is still a health problem in Indonesia, one of the health promotion efforts is community empowerment Introduction of TB disease early by using the effective medium is expected to increase the knowledge of primary school students in identifying TB disease within the family and society. The purpose of the study to see the effectiveness of health promotion leaflets media and audiovisual media to increased knowledge of TB disease in Palembang public clementary school students in 2014. Juasy Experiments study design, population of elementary school students in the area of Palembang Plaju The sampling method with random cluster sampling technique.Research subjects purposive sampling that fifth grade students in two public elementary school Palembang respectively by 32 respondents X1 group with a modia lecture using leaflets and X2 groups with a lecture and audiovisual media Collecting data using a questionnaire. The results of the analysis of respondents by paired t-test showed significant differences between groups for the variable knowledge XIdengan p-value (0,04) and X2 with p-value (0,00) Independent t-test showed no significant difference variables prior knowledge of the two groups with p-value (0,09) and after getting treatment p-value (0,00) Results indicate that the lecture method with audiovisual media more effective in increasing the knowledge of primary school students about the disease tuberculosis of the lecture method and leaflet. Advice to Primary School in order to be input that is more effective audiovisual methods used in primary schools in providing information/ health education.
